1. Tam H, Torres M, Escamilla K, Park P, Chau D, Broder KW. A Stealth Killer- Avoiding Classic, and New Triggers for Autonomic Dysreflexia in Spinal Cord Injury Patients. Poster Presentation at UC San Diego Clinical Geriatrics Interprofessional Symposium, San Diego, CA. October 23-25, 2015
2. Tam, H. San Diego Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program Improving Elderly Care. SSPPS 2016 Winter Newsletter.
3. Park, Paula; Chau, Diane; Broder, Kevin; Talavera, Gregory; Hinojosa, Alejandro; Tam, Sammi; Watanabe, Jonathan. GWEP: serving the elderly and underserved through an interdisciplinary curriculum. Oral Presentation at Innovations in Medical Education, Los Angeles, CA, 02/2016
4. Park, Paula; Bae, Sang Un; Chau, Diane; Watanabe, Jonathan. Serving the Underserved: Clinical Pharmacy in Low-income Senior Primary Care Clinics. Oral Presentation at West Coast Pharmacy Exchange, San Francisco, CA, 04/2016
5. Park, Paula; Chau, Diane; Watanabe, Jonathan. San Diego GWEP, the interdisciplinary program designed to serve the elderly and underserved. Considering submission, California Pharmacists Journal. 05/2016
6. Tam H, Watanabe J, Chau D. A Review of the Recent Evidence: High Risk Medications in the Older Adult Population in the United States. Poster session presented at: California Pharmacist Association West Coast Exchange Pharmacy Conference; 2016 April 29-30; San Francisco, CA.
7. Park, Paula. SSPPS Fellow and Faculty Present at Innovations Medical Education Conference 2016. SSPPS 2016 Spring Newsletter.
8. Park, Paula; Franco, Juan; Torres, Melanie; Chau, Diane. San Diego Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (SDGWEP) at San Diego PACE. Abstract submitted to National PACE Association, San Francisco, CA, 10/2016